Take aways

  • Feature engineering, also known as feature creation, is the process of constructing new features from existing data to train a machine learning model.
  • Feature engineering means building additional features out of existing data which is often spread across multiple related tables. Feature engineering requires extracting the relevant information from the data and getting it into a single table which can then be used to train a machine learning model.
  • We can group the operations of feature creation into two categories: transformations and aggregations. A transformation acts on a single table by creating new features out of one or more of the existing columns. An aggregations are performed across tables, and use a one-to-many relationship to group observations and then calculate statistics.
  • Aggregation operations are not difficult by themselves, but if we have hundreds of variables spread across dozens of tables, this process is not feasible to do by hand.
  • Fortunately, featuretools is exactly the solution we are looking for. This open-source Python library will automatically create many features from a set of related tables.

Introduction: Automated Feature Engineering

In this notebook, we will look at an exciting development in data science: automated feature engineering. A machine learning model can only learn from the data we give it, and making sure that data is relevant to the task is one of the most crucial steps in the machine learning pipeline (this is made clear in the excellent paper "A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning").

However, manual feature engineering is a tedious task and is limited by both human imagination - there are only so many features we can think to create - and by time - creating new features is time-intensive. Ideally, there would be an objective method to create an array of diverse new candidate features that we can then use for a machine learning task. This process is meant to not replace the data scientist, but to make her job easier and allowing her to supplement domain knowledge with an automated workflow.

In this notebook, we will walk through an implementation of using Featuretools, an open-source Python library for automatically creating features with relational data (where the data is in structured tables). Although there are now many efforts working to enable automated model selection and hyperparameter tuning, there has been a lack of automating work on the feature engineering aspect of the pipeline. This library seeks to close that gap and the general methodology has been proven effective in both machine learning competitions with the data science machine and business use cases.


To show the basic idea of featuretools we will use an example dataset consisting of three tables:

  • clients: information about clients at a credit union
  • loans: previous loans taken out by the clients
  • payments: payments made/missed on the previous loans

The general problem of feature engineering is taking disparate data, often distributed across multiple tables, and combining it into a single table that can be used for training a machine learning model. Featuretools has the ability to do this for us, creating many new candidate features with minimal effort. These features are combined into a single table that can then be passed on to our model.

First, let's load in the data and look at the problem we are working with.

In [1]:
# Run this if featuretools is not already installed
# !pip install -U featuretools
In [2]:
# pandas and numpy for data manipulation
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# featuretools for automated feature engineering
import featuretools as ft

# ignore warnings from pandas
import warnings
In [3]:
# Read in the data
clients = pd.read_csv('data/clients.csv', parse_dates = ['joined'])
loans = pd.read_csv('data/loans.csv', parse_dates = ['loan_start', 'loan_end'])
payments = pd.read_csv('data/payments.csv', parse_dates = ['payment_date'])
In [4]:
client_id joined income credit_score
0 46109 2002-04-16 172677 527
1 49545 2007-11-14 104564 770
2 41480 2013-03-11 122607 585
3 46180 2001-11-06 43851 562
4 25707 2006-10-06 211422 621
In [5]:
client_id loan_type loan_amount repaid loan_id loan_start loan_end rate
254 29841 cash 4718 0 11175 2014-03-08 2015-09-13 2.74
196 26326 other 10902 1 11559 2014-09-06 2016-11-14 6.73
45 41480 cash 12581 1 11461 2009-10-29 2011-07-08 1.94
415 49624 cash 8621 0 10454 2014-07-26 2015-12-29 3.18
26 49545 other 4131 0 10939 2008-10-13 2010-02-26 4.07
417 49624 credit 11219 1 11132 2013-08-12 2016-03-15 3.77
137 32726 credit 7499 1 10285 2012-10-07 2015-03-12 2.72
200 26326 credit 5275 0 11072 2014-11-11 2016-07-17 1.45
180 48177 cash 6521 0 11235 2014-07-12 2016-02-22 6.17
8 46109 home 11062 1 11611 2012-09-12 2014-03-14 5.48
In [6]:
loan_id payment_amount payment_date missed
965 11221 1511 2009-07-14 1
1285 11264 218 2009-11-06 1
1664 10769 210 2012-03-18 1
1074 10106 1003 2003-09-09 1
2521 10868 349 2013-10-04 1
2909 10537 1292 2005-11-23 1
44 11141 1220 2007-09-20 0
2445 10109 806 2014-07-23 0
1581 10624 1176 2001-03-20 1
1344 10262 770 2007-03-02 1

Manual Feature Engineering Examples

Let's show a few examples of features we might make by hand. We will keep this relatively simple to avoid doing too much work! First we will focus on a single dataframe before combining them together. In the clients dataframe, we can take the month of the joined column and the natural log of the income column. Later, we see these are known in featuretools as transformation feature primitives because they act on column in a single table.

In [7]:
# Create a month column
clients['join_month'] = clients['joined'].dt.month

# Create a log of income column
clients['log_income'] = np.log(clients['income'])

client_id joined income credit_score join_month log_income
0 46109 2002-04-16 172677 527 4 12.059178
1 49545 2007-11-14 104564 770 11 11.557555
2 41480 2013-03-11 122607 585 3 11.716739
3 46180 2001-11-06 43851 562 11 10.688553
4 25707 2006-10-06 211422 621 10 12.261611

To incorporate information about the other tables, we use the df.groupby method, followed by a suitable aggregation function, followed by df.merge. For example, let's calculate the average, minimum, and maximum amount of previous loans for each client. In the terms of featuretools, this would be considered an aggregation feature primitive because we using multiple tables in a one-to-many relationship to calculate aggregation figures (don't worry, this will be explained shortly!).

In [8]:
# Groupby client id and calculate mean, max, min previous loan size
stats = loans.groupby('client_id')['loan_amount'].agg(['mean', 'max', 'min'])
stats.columns = ['mean_loan_amount', 'max_loan_amount', 'min_loan_amount']
mean_loan_amount max_loan_amount min_loan_amount
25707 7963.950000 13913 1212
26326 7270.062500 13464 1164
26695 7824.722222 14865 2389
26945 7125.933333 14593 653
29841 9813.000000 14837 2778
In [9]:
# Merge with the clients dataframe
clients.merge(stats, left_on = 'client_id', right_index=True, how = 'left').head(10)
client_id joined income credit_score join_month log_income mean_loan_amount max_loan_amount min_loan_amount
0 46109 2002-04-16 172677 527 4 12.059178 8951.600000 14049 559
1 49545 2007-11-14 104564 770 11 11.557555 10289.300000 14971 3851
2 41480 2013-03-11 122607 585 3 11.716739 7894.850000 14399 811
3 46180 2001-11-06 43851 562 11 10.688553 7700.850000 14081 1607
4 25707 2006-10-06 211422 621 10 12.261611 7963.950000 13913 1212
5 39505 2011-10-14 153873 610 10 11.943883 7424.050000 14575 904
6 32726 2006-05-01 235705 730 5 12.370336 6633.263158 14802 851
7 35089 2010-03-01 131176 771 3 11.784295 6939.200000 13194 773
8 35214 2003-08-08 95849 696 8 11.470529 7173.555556 14767 667
9 48177 2008-06-09 190632 769 6 12.158100 7424.368421 14740 659

We could go further and include information about payments in the clients dataframe. To do so, we would have to group payments by the loan_id, merge it with the loans, group the resulting dataframe by the client_id, and then merge it into the clients dataframe. This would allow us to include information about previous payments for each client.

Clearly, this process of manual feature engineering can grow quite tedious with many columns and multiple tables and I certainly don't want to have to do this process by hand! Luckily, featuretools can automatically perform this entire process and will create more features than we would have ever thought of. Although I love pandas, there is only so much manual data manipulation I'm willing to stand!


Now that we know what we are trying to avoid (tedious manual feature engineering), let's figure out how to automate this process. Featuretools operates on an idea known as Deep Feature Synthesis. You can read the original paper here, and although it's quite readable, it's not necessary to understand the details to do automated feature engineering. The concept of Deep Feature Synthesis is to use basic building blocks known as feature primitives (like the transformations and aggregations done above) that can be stacked on top of each other to form new features. The depth of a "deep feature" is equal to the number of stacked primitives.

I threw out some terms there, but don't worry because we'll cover them as we go. Featuretools builds on simple ideas to create a powerful method, and we will build up our understanding in much the same way.

The first part of Featuretools to understand is an entity. This is simply a table, or in pandas, a DataFrame. We corral multiple entities into a single object called an EntitySet. This is just a large data structure composed of many individual entities and the relationships between them.


Creating a new EntitySet is pretty simple:

In [10]:
es = ft.EntitySet(id = 'clients')


An entity is simply a table, which is represented in Pandas as a dataframe. Each entity must have a uniquely identifying column, known as an index. For the clients dataframe, this is the client_id because each id only appears once in the clients data. In the loans dataframe, client_id is not an index because each id might appear more than once. The index for this dataframe is instead loan_id.

When we create an entity in featuretools, we have to identify which column of the dataframe is the index. If the data does not have a unique index we can tell featuretools to make an index for the entity by passing in make_index = True and specifying a name for the index. If the data also has a uniquely identifying time index, we can pass that in as the time_index parameter.

Featuretools will automatically infer the variable types (numeric, categorical, datetime) of the columns in our data, but we can also pass in specific datatypes to override this behavior. As an example, even though the repaid column in the loans dataframe is represented as an integer, we can tell featuretools that this is a categorical feature since it can only take on two discrete values. This is done using an integer with the variables as keys and the feature types as values.

In the code below we create the three entities and add them to the EntitySet. The syntax is relatively straightforward with a few notes: for the payments dataframe we need to make an index, for the loans dataframe, we specify that repaid is a categorical variable, and for the payments dataframe, we specify that missed is a categorical feature.

In [11]:
# Create an entity from the client dataframe
# This dataframe already has an index and a time index
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(entity_id = 'clients', dataframe = clients, 
                              index = 'client_id', time_index = 'joined')
In [12]:
# Create an entity from the loans dataframe
# This dataframe already has an index and a time index
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(entity_id = 'loans', dataframe = loans, 
                              variable_types = {'repaid': ft.variable_types.Categorical},
                              index = 'loan_id', 
                              time_index = 'loan_start')
In [13]:
# Create an entity from the payments dataframe
# This does not yet have a unique index
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(entity_id = 'payments', 
                              dataframe = payments,
                              variable_types = {'missed': ft.variable_types.Categorical},
                              make_index = True,
                              index = 'payment_id',
                              time_index = 'payment_date')
In [14]:
Entityset: clients
    clients [Rows: 25, Columns: 6]
    loans [Rows: 443, Columns: 8]
    payments [Rows: 3456, Columns: 5]
    No relationships

All three entities have been successfully added to the EntitySet. We can access any of the entities using Python dictionary syntax.

In [15]:
Entity: loans
    client_id (dtype: numeric)
    loan_type (dtype: categorical)
    loan_amount (dtype: numeric)
    loan_start (dtype: datetime_time_index)
    loan_end (dtype: datetime)
    rate (dtype: numeric)
    repaid (dtype: categorical)
    loan_id (dtype: index)
    (Rows: 443, Columns: 8)

Featuretools correctly inferred each of the datatypes when we made this entity. We can also see that we overrode the type for the repaid feature, changing if from numeric to categorical.

In [16]:
Entity: payments
    loan_id (dtype: numeric)
    payment_amount (dtype: numeric)
    payment_date (dtype: datetime_time_index)
    missed (dtype: categorical)
    payment_id (dtype: index)
    (Rows: 3456, Columns: 5)


After defining the entities (tables) in an EntitySet, we now need to tell featuretools how they are related with a relationship. The most intuitive way to think of relationships is with the parent to child analogy: a parent-to-child relationship is one-to-many because for each parent, there can be multiple children. The client dataframe is therefore the parent of the loans dataframe because while there is only one row for each client in the client dataframe, each client may have several previous loans covering multiple rows in the loans dataframe. Likewise, the loans dataframe is the parent of the payments dataframe because each loan will have multiple payments.

These relationships are what allow us to group together datapoints using aggregation primitives and then create new features. As an example, we can group all of the previous loans associated with one client and find the average loan amount. We will discuss the features themselves more in a little bit, but for now let's define the relationships.

To define relationships, we need to specify the parent variable and the child variable. This is the variable that links two entities together. In our example, the client and loans dataframes are linked together by the client_id column. Again, this is a parent to child relationship because for each client_id in the parent client dataframe, there may be multiple entries of the same client_id in the child loans dataframe.

We codify relationships in the language of featuretools by specifying the parent variable and then the child variable. After creating a relationship, we add it to the EntitySet.

In [17]:
# Relationship between clients and previous loans
r_client_previous = ft.Relationship(es['clients']['client_id'],

# Add the relationship to the entity set
es = es.add_relationship(r_client_previous)

The relationship has now been stored in the entity set. The second relationship is between the loans and payments. These two entities are related by the loan_id variable.

In [18]:
# Relationship between previous loans and previous payments
r_payments = ft.Relationship(es['loans']['loan_id'],

# Add the relationship to the entity set
es = es.add_relationship(r_payments)

Entityset: clients
    clients [Rows: 25, Columns: 6]
    loans [Rows: 443, Columns: 8]
    payments [Rows: 3456, Columns: 5]
    loans.client_id -> clients.client_id
    payments.loan_id -> loans.loan_id

We now have our entities in an entityset along with the relationships between them. We can now start to making new features from all of the tables using stacks of feature primitives to form deep features. First, let's cover feature primitives.

Feature Primitives

A feature primitive a at a very high-level is an operation applied to data to create a feature. These represent very simple calculations that can be stacked on top of each other to create complex features. Feature primitives fall into two categories:

  • Aggregation: function that groups together child datapoints for each parent and then calculates a statistic such as mean, min, max, or standard deviation. An example is calculating the maximum loan amount for each client. An aggregation works across multiple tables using relationships between tables.
  • Transformation: an operation applied to one or more columns in a single table. An example would be extracting the day from dates, or finding the difference between two columns in one table.

Let's take a look at feature primitives in featuretools. We can view the list of primitives:

In [19]:
primitives = ft.list_primitives()
pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 100
primitives[primitives['type'] == 'aggregation'].head(10)
name type description
0 mode aggregation Finds the most common element in a categorical feature.
1 any aggregation Test if any value is 'True'.
2 last aggregation Returns the last value.
3 all aggregation Test if all values are 'True'.
4 median aggregation Finds the median value of any feature with well-ordered values.
5 min aggregation Finds the minimum non-null value of a numeric feature.
6 avg_time_between aggregation Computes the average time between consecutive events.
7 max aggregation Finds the maximum non-null value of a numeric feature.
8 n_most_common aggregation Finds the N most common elements in a categorical feature.
9 percent_true aggregation Finds the percent of 'True' values in a boolean feature.
In [20]:
primitives[primitives['type'] == 'transform'].head(10)
name type description
19 add transform Creates a transform feature that adds two features.
20 seconds transform Transform a Timedelta feature into the number of seconds.
21 time_since_previous transform Compute the time since the previous instance.
22 cum_min transform Calculates the min of previous values of an instance for each value in a time-dependent entity.
23 divide transform Creates a transform feature that divides two features.
24 hour transform Transform a Datetime feature into the hour.
25 and transform For two boolean values, determine if both values are 'True'.
26 or transform For two boolean values, determine if one value is 'True'.
27 years transform Transform a Timedelta feature into the number of years.
28 isin transform For each value of the base feature, checks whether it is in a provided list.

If featuretools does not have enough primitives for us, we can also make our own.

To get an idea of what a feature primitive actually does, let's try out a few on our data. Using primitives is surprisingly easy using the ft.dfs function (which stands for deep feature synthesis). In this function, we specify the entityset to use; the target_entity, which is the dataframe we want to make the features for (where the features end up); the agg_primitives which are the aggregation feature primitives; and the trans_primitives which are the transformation primitives to apply.

In the following example, we are using the EntitySet we already created, the target entity is the clients dataframe because we want to make new features about each client, and then we specify a few aggregation and transformation primitives.

In [21]:
# Create new features using specified primitives
features, feature_names = ft.dfs(entityset = es, target_entity = 'clients', 
                                 agg_primitives = ['mean', 'max', 'percent_true', 'last'],
                                 trans_primitives = ['years', 'month', 'subtract', 'divide'])
In [22]:
25707 10
26326 5
26695 8
26945 11
29841 8
In [23]:
25707 1178.552795
26326 1166.736842
26695 1207.433824
26945 1109.473214
29841 1439.433333
In [24]:
income credit_score join_month log_income MEAN(loans.loan_amount) MEAN(loans.rate) MAX(loans.loan_amount) MAX(loans.rate) LAST(loans.loan_type) LAST(loans.loan_amount) ... log_income - income / MAX(payments.payment_amount) LAST(loans.loan_amount) / income log_income - credit_score / join_month join_month - log_income / MEAN(loans.loan_amount) join_month / income - join_month credit_score - log_income / LAST(loans.rate) join_month - log_income / MAX(loans.loan_amount) credit_score - income / join_month - log_income join_month - income / MEAN(payments.payment_amount) join_month - credit_score / log_income - credit_score
25707 211422 621 10 12.261611 7963.950000 3.477000 13913 9.44 home 2203 ... -78.184075 0.010420 -60.873839 -0.000284 0.000047 82.261944 -0.000163 93208.319781 -179.382715 1.003715
26326 227920 633 5 12.336750 7270.062500 2.517500 13464 6.73 credit 5275 ... -85.744042 0.023144 -124.132650 -0.001009 0.000022 428.043621 -0.000545 30979.248435 -195.343964 1.011821
26695 174532 680 8 12.069863 7824.722222 2.466111 14865 6.51 other 13918 ... -59.522486 0.079745 -83.491267 -0.000520 0.000046 742.144596 -0.000274 42716.912967 -144.541255 1.006093
26945 214516 806 11 12.276140 7125.933333 2.855333 14593 5.65 cash 9249 ... -77.494120 0.043116 -72.156715 -0.000179 0.000051 277.525825 -0.000087 167466.003631 -193.339503 1.001608
29841 38354 523 8 10.554614 9813.000000 3.445000 14837 6.76 home 7223 ... -13.231003 0.188325 -64.055673 -0.000260 0.000209 100.676893 -0.000172 14808.890291 -26.639650 1.004985

5 rows × 797 columns

Already we can see how useful featuretools is: it performed the same operations we did manually but also many more in addition. Examining the names of the features in the dataframe brings us to the final piece of the puzzle: deep features.

Deep Feature Synthesis

While feature primitives are useful by themselves, the main benefit of using featuretools arises when we stack primitives to get deep features. The depth of a feature is simply the number of primitives required to make a feature. So, a feature that relies on a single aggregation would be a deep feature with a depth of 1, a feature that stacks two primitives would have a depth of 2 and so on. The idea itself is lot simpler than the name "deep feature synthesis" implies. (I think the authors were trying to ride the way of deep neural network hype when they named the method!) To read more about deep feature synthesis, check out the documentation or the original paper by Max Kanter et al.

Already in the dataframe we made by specifying the primitives manually we can see the idea of feature depth. For instance, the MEAN(loans.loan_amount) feature has a depth of 1 because it is made by applying a single aggregation primitive. This feature represents the average size of a client's previous loans.

In [25]:
# Show a feature with a depth of 1
25707 7963.950000
26326 7270.062500
26695 7824.722222
26945 7125.933333
29841 9813.000000
32726 6633.263158
32885 9920.400000
32961 7882.235294
35089 6939.200000
35214 7173.555556

As well scroll through the features, we see a number of features with a depth of 2. For example, the LAST(loans.(MEAN(payments.payment_amount))) has depth = 2 because it is made by stacking two feature primitives, first an aggregation and then a transformation. This feature represents the average payment amount for the last (most recent) loan for each client.

In [26]:
# Show a feature with a depth of 2
25707 293.500000
26326 977.375000
26695 1769.166667
26945 1598.666667
29841 1125.500000
32726 799.500000
32885 1729.000000
32961 282.600000
35089 110.400000
35214 1410.250000

We can create features of arbitrary depth by stacking more primitives. However, when I have used featuretools I've never gone beyond a depth of 2! After this point, the features become very convoluted to understand. I'd encourage anyone interested to experiment with increasing the depth (maybe for a real problem) and see if there is value to "going deeper".

Automated Deep Feature Synthesis

In addition to manually specifying aggregation and transformation feature primitives, we can let featuretools automatically generate many new features. We do this by making the same ft.dfs function call, but without passing in any primitives. We just set the max_depth parameter and featuretools will automatically try many all combinations of feature primitives to the ordered depth.

When running on large datasets, this process can take quite a while, but for our example data, it will be relatively quick. For this call, we only need to specify the entityset, the target_entity (which will again be clients), and the max_depth.

In [27]:
# Perform deep feature synthesis without specifying primitives
features, feature_names = ft.dfs(entityset=es, target_entity='clients', 
                                 max_depth = 2)
In [28]:
features.iloc[:, 4:].head()
SUM(loans.loan_amount) SUM(loans.rate) STD(loans.loan_amount) STD(loans.rate) MAX(loans.loan_amount) MAX(loans.rate) SKEW(loans.loan_amount) SKEW(loans.rate) MIN(loans.loan_amount) MIN(loans.rate) ... NUM_UNIQUE(loans.WEEKDAY(loan_end)) MODE(loans.MODE(payments.missed)) MODE(loans.DAY(loan_start)) MODE(loans.DAY(loan_end)) MODE(loans.YEAR(loan_start)) MODE(loans.YEAR(loan_end)) MODE(loans.MONTH(loan_start)) MODE(loans.MONTH(loan_end)) MODE(loans.WEEKDAY(loan_start)) MODE(loans.WEEKDAY(loan_end))
25707 159279 69.54 4044.418728 2.421285 13913 9.44 -0.172074 0.679118 1212 0.33 ... 6 0 27 1 2010 2007 1 8 3 0
26326 116321 40.28 4254.149422 1.991819 13464 6.73 0.135246 1.067853 1164 0.50 ... 5 0 6 6 2003 2005 4 7 5 2
26695 140845 44.39 4078.228493 1.517660 14865 6.51 0.154467 0.820060 2389 0.22 ... 6 0 3 14 2003 2005 9 4 1 1
26945 106889 42.83 4389.555657 1.564795 14593 5.65 0.156534 -0.001998 653 0.13 ... 6 0 16 1 2002 2004 12 5 0 1
29841 176634 62.01 4090.630609 2.063092 14837 6.76 -0.212397 0.050600 2778 0.26 ... 7 1 1 15 2005 2007 3 2 5 1

5 rows × 90 columns

Deep feature synthesis has created 90 new features out of the existing data! While we could have created all of these manually, I am glad to not have to write all that code by hand. The primary benefit of featuretools is that it creates features without any subjective human biases. Even a human with considerable domain knowledge will be limited by their imagination when making new features (not to mention time). Automated feature engineering is not limited by these factors (instead it's limited by computation time) and provides a good starting point for feature creation. This process likely will not remove the human contribution to feature engineering completely because a human can still use domain knowledge and machine learning expertise to select the most important features or build new features from those suggested by automated deep feature synthesis.

Next Steps

While automatic feature engineering solves one problem, it provides us with another problem: too many features! Although it's difficult to say which features will be important to a given machine learning task ahead of time, it's likely that not all of the features made by featuretools add value. In fact, having too many features is a significant issue in machine learning because it makes training a model much harder. The irrelevant features can drown out the important features, leaving a model unable to learn how to map the features to the target.

This problem is known as the "curse of dimensionality" and is addressed through the process of feature reduction and selection, which means removing low-value features from the data. Defining which features are useful is an important problem where a data scientist can still add considerable value to the feature engineering task. Feature reduction will have to be another topic for another day!


In this notebook, we saw how to apply automated feature engineering to an example dataset. This is a powerful method which allows us to overcome the human limits of time and imagination to create many new features from multiple tables of data. Featuretools is built on the idea of deep feature synthesis, which means stacking multiple simple feature primitives - aggregations and transformations - to create new features. Feature engineering allows us to combine information across many tables into a single dataframe that we can then use for machine learning model training. Finally, the next step after creating all of these features is figuring out which ones are important.

Featuretools is currently the only Python option for this process, but with the recent emphasis on automating aspects of the machine learning pipeline, other competitiors will probably enter the sphere. While the exact tools will change, the idea of automatically creating new features out of existing data will grow in importance. Staying up-to-date on methods such as automated feature engineering is crucial in the rapidly changing field of data science. Now go out there and find a problem on which to apply featuretools!

For more information, check out the documentation for featuretools. Also, read about how featuretools is used in the real world by Feature Labs, the company behind the open-source library.